Norma Vavatsi Christaki

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Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)

Date and Place of Birth: Thessaloniki 27/4/1945


Post-Graduate Education

Medical Specialty

Academic appoint 1977


Executive Positions

2007-09 & 2011-2012

1969 1974-76


Ptychion Iatrikes (Medical Degree) Medical School, AUTΗ
Master’s Degree, Pathology, Medical School Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, USA PhD in Medicine, Medical School, AUTH

Research Assistant, Howard University Medical Service, General Hospital, Washington DC, USA
Research Assistant, Immunology Laboratory, Ηematology Oncology Department,

Medical School Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Medical Biopathology (Microbiology) by Examinations

Academic Assistant, Department of Biochemistry Medical School, AUTH Academic Instructor, Dept of Biochemistry

Tenure position in AUTH Lecturer, Dept of Biochemistry

Assistant Professor, Dept of Biochemistry Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry Professor, Dept of Biochemistry
Medical School, AUTH

Director of Dept of Biological Sciences & Preventive Medicine, Medical School, AUTH



Continuing Education


Teaching experience



Two-month training in Molecular techniques Gaubius Institute and Dept of Anthropogenetics, University of
Leiden, The Netherlands

BiochemistryI,II:Lectures,seminars and practical workshops. Undergradute Program, Medical School, School of Dentistry, AUTH

Molecular Medicine: Postgraduate Programs, Medical School, AUTH

Academic supervising/mentoring

1986- 2012

1989-1993 1993-2012

Academic Committees

2005-2012 2003-2012



2009-2010 2010 2008-2012

PhD Supervisor and examiner in 6 (as the Principal Supervisor) 20 (as a member of 3- member committee) and 40 (as a member of the 7-member committee)

Practical Workshops in Molecular Biology techniques for students.
Organization of 6 Workshops in “DNA analysis and PCR methods: applications in diagnostics” for specialists and resident physicians in Biopathology.

Chair, PhD Committee
Postgraduate Program Coordination Committee, Vice Chair (2007-12)
Coordinator (2007-10) and Member of the Medical School, Office of Education Representative of the Medical School in the Research Committee of the AUTH
Member of the 7-member Committee and Chair, Ethics Committee
Scientific Director, Career Office, AUTH

Scientific Associations

  • §  Hellenic Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • §  Association of Medical Biopathology of Northern Greece: President of the Executive Council (2001-2007), Vice-President (1997-99), Member of the Executive Council (1995-97)
  • §  Hellenic Association of Medical Biochemistry, President (2009-2012)
  • §  Hellenic Association of Microbiology
  • §  Hellenic Association of Immunology
  • §  Hellenic Association of Pharmacology Organization of Scientific Congresses and Seminars – Balkan Biochemical and Biophysical Days (1992,1997), Thessaloniki – Panhellenic Conference of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2000, Thessaloniki
    – National Congress of Medical Biopathology, 1996,1998, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008-2010 Athens/Thessaloniki
    – Scientific Congresses of Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6)
  • –  Εuroform I Workshop (2)
  • –  Postgraduate Seminars in Biopathology, 2002-2012
  • –  Workshops in Molecular methods (6)
  • –  Annual Medical Biochemistry Congresses in Athens and Thessaloniki (4)

Research Work

  • Study of proteins with biochemical methods, development of antibodies in experimental animal models and application of immunological methods.
  • Isolation and analysis of DNA, detection of polymorphisms and mutations in hemoglobinopathies to determine genotypes, apolipoprotein genes in relation to hyperlipidemias and coronary disease, oncogene mutations in neoplasms, multidrug therapy genes in childhood leukemia, adiponectin genes in obese children.
  • Application of PCR in the diagnosis of infections.
  • Molecular typing of bacterial strains in epidemiological studies
  • DNA typing of HLA antigens
  • DNA typing of Rhesus antigen variants in a Greek population.
  • Haplotypes of hemoglobinopathies (βs) in Palestine

Funding – Research Programs

ΚΕΣΥ (Principal Council of Health) 1990 “ Study of genetic polymorphisms of apolipoproteins in patients with cardiovascular Diseases in a Greek population” ΚΕΣΥ (Principal Council of Health) 2006 “ Study of genetic polymorphisms of metabolic enzymes of carcinogenic compounds in Greeks with acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes”

ΓΓΕΤ (General Secretariat of Research and Innovation) 1999 “Career opportunity for Greek researchers from abroad”
ΕΣΠΑ (NSRF) 2008-12 Career Office of AUTH

Publications and other scientific work

Scientific papers (172), published in peer-reviewed international journals (24), non-Greek journals (15), Greek journals (52), Lectures and Chapters in books (24), Abstracts published in Greek and international scientific meeting abstract books (57)

Monograph «Σύγχρονες Τεχνικές της Μοριακής Βιολογίας στην Κλινική Πράξη (Novel Molecular Biology techniques in Clinical Practice) », «Postgraduate Surgery» Author: D. Lazarides 1993.
Monograph in «Workshop in DNA & PCR analysis methods-Syllabus».

Books: Editor of Greek translation/edition:
1. «Ιατρική Βιοχημεία (Medical Biochemistry)» Baynes & M. Dominiczak (2nd

ed.)Editing of Greek text.
2. «Iατρική Βιοχημεία με μια ματιά, Medical Biochemistry at a glance» J

Salway (2nd ed.)Editing of Greek text.